How do I become a master gardener?

How do I become a Master Gardener in Williamson County?

Being certified as a Master Gardener in Tennessee requires completion of the Tennessee Extension Master Gardener course (for a fee of $150, which includes the Tennessee Master Gardener Handbook) and 40 hours of volunteerism. In subsequent years, 25 hours of volunteer service, $20 in membership dues and 8 hours of continued education are required in order to remain in "good standing."  The course is organized around weekly lectures, with some workshops, field trips and projects.  It takes place over 15 weeks beginning in January of each year.  Evening classes are offered in odd numbered years (2023, 2025), and day classes are offered in even numbered years (2024, 2026).

Certified Master Gardeners attend monthly educational meetings and occasional social activities.  Interested individuals can help staff a diagnostic service, and speak to outside groups interested in horticulture.  Volunteer projects are typically performed in cooperation with local partners.  

Master Gardeners develop and manage community programs related to horticulture, landscape improvements, therapeutic horticulture projects demonstration/production gardens for public information and access.  While expanding the capabilities of the UT/TSU Extension, we also have a lot of fun along the way!

You can read more about it here.

Intern Application Process

The Williamson County Master Gardener program is a volunteer service organization that functions in education through volunteerism. Please read over the program description to ensure that this is the right program for you! If so, please proceed forward to the 1ST STEP!

The 1ST STEP in this process is completing the 2025 WCMG Intern Class application. Please print, complete and return the application form as quickly as possible. Because the Williamson County Master Gardener program is a highly sought-after program, class size is limited to 40 attendees. Applicants will be interviewed in order of applications received. If you are a couple applying, an application (and interview) is required for each applicant. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT WITH YOUR APPLICATION!

Download Application Here

The 2ND STEP is the interview process. After your application is received, you will be contacted by a member of our Interview Team for a brief, but thorough evaluation. The interview is a required component for consideration of acceptance into the 2025 WCMG Intern Class. REMEMBER, Applicants will be interviewed in order of applications received, i.e. the faster you return your application, the quicker you will be interviewed. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 10/1

Applications may be returned by 1 of 3 ways:

  1. via email - print, complete, scan and email back to Taylor Reeder at
  2. via snail mail - UT/TSU Extension - Williamson County Attn: Taylor Reeder, 4215 Long Lane, Suite 200, Franklin, TN 37064
  3. via fax to 615-790-5606

The 3RD STEP will involve a letter of acceptance, via email, into the program. Once you receive an acceptance letter, you will need to confirm your status by responding ... send a note saying that you will be participating. The acceptance letter will detail how, to where and when payment should be submitted. Payment will be due within 30 days of acceptance notification.

The 4TH AND FINAL STEP will be attending the classes and the program orientation/1st class which is required ... and then on to the process of becoming a Tennessee Extension Master Gardener in Williamson County!!

Please complete your application and return it as quickly as possible in order to proceed to STEP 2. Good luck to all and we hope to hear from everyone very soon!!

Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Tennessee State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT/TSU Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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