About Us


What is the Williamson County Master Gardeners Association?


The mission of the WCMGA is to provide research-based horticultural education, while promoting environmental stewardship, via community volunteerism delivered by a dedicated and skilled volunteer network. The WCMGA is part of the UT/TSU Williamson County Extension Office.


To provide useful research-based horticulture information to Williamson County residents and communities.


Provide research-based residential horticultural education in a responsive and timely manner to extend the impact of UT/TSU Williamson County Extension. Collaborate with UT/TSU extension personnel, local municipalities and grassroots and non-profit organizations to offer educational leadership for better horticulture practices and programs across Tennessee. Foster a vibrant and effective learning environment that supports committed and engaged volunteers and attracts new TEMGs to the program. Encourage environmental stewardship, non-commercial food production and youth education across Tennessee through education and outreach. Invest in educational tools and events that provide information to meet the present needs, while laying the foundation to serve Tennessee residents and communities in the future.

How we do it

No stupid questions.

The UT/TSU Williamson County Extension receives thousands of horticulture related calls each year, everything from “can I grow an avocado in Tennessee?” to “how do I grow grass in the shade?” Williamson County Master Gardeners play a large role in assisting the agent in meeting this demand.

Keep History Alive.

Historical sites often have a large need for grounds maintenance with little assistance. WCMGs support and maintain some gardens at Carnton Plantation.

WCMGs also maintain the Heirloom Fruit Orchard and Vegetable Garden, the Kitchen Herb Garden and the Flower Gardens at Carter House.

Spread the Word.

WCMGs man educational booths at local field days and fairs to connect with the public on a one-on-one basis. Additionally, the WCMGA also hosts an annual Garden Fair as part of community outreach and education efforts within Williamson County.

Bringing the Outside In.

Outreach doesn’t have to be outside. WCMGs create projects and programs for children, adults, and other special interest groups.

How do I become a Master Gardener in Williamson County?

The WCMGA operates under an umbrella of the UT/TSU Williamson County Extension Office.

Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners classes are coordinated through the horticulture agent in Williamson County. In order to satisfy the ever-growing hunger for horticulture and gardening education, classes are offered at varying times dependent on the year. Evening classes are offered on odd numbered years (2019, 2021, 2023), and day classes are offered on even numbered years (2020, 2022, 2024).

If interested, please contact our director of membership on our contact us page.

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